2 adults

Rooms 1


My accommodation

2 adults

A good choice for your holiday:
Alpenstadt Bludenz

  • 163 landlords and hosts
  • 34 lifts and cable cars
  • 123 kilometers of pistes
  • Pure nature

A good choice for your holiday:

  • 163 accommodations
  • 34 lifts and cable cars
  • 123 kilometers of pistes
  • Pure nature

A good choice for your holiday:

  • 163 landlords and hosts
  • 34 lifts and cable cars
  • 123 kilometers of pistes
  • Pure nature

A good choice for your holiday:
Biosphere reserve Großes Walsertal

  • 163 holiday properties
  • 34 lifts and cable cars
  • 123 kilometers of pistes
  • Pure nature

Rooms 1

Sledging for Relaxation

On Foot up to the Schattenlagant and with the Sledge back to the Valley

Outside, it is a bit gray, small snowflakes flutter silently from the sky into the valley and we hear the wind whistling around the houses - after a morning skiing in perfect weather it’s time for a leisurely afternoon in the warm room with a delicious hot chocolate and a good Book. But we have other plans: We love to be out in the snow when it is snowing, with hats, scarfs and gloves out in the nature, looking up into the sky and feeling the snow crystals melt on your warm skin.
Finally reached the goal - the Schattenlaganthütte.
No sooner said than done - we dress warmly and decide to make our way to the Schattenlaganthütte. Our host has given us the tip that it is as peaceful in Schattenlagant in winter as nowhere else in the valley. And since there should also be a hut at the end of the tour, this is the perfect destination for us. So brew a quick tea, pack some biscuits in a rucksack for the hike and do not forget: Call the hut and reserve a toboggan for the descent. And here we go. From Brand we walk comfortably towards Lünersee. The road is more exhausting than expected, slowly winding uphill. A wonderful silence surrounds us, as you can only find in the wintry white mountains. We trudge through dark forests, from time to time the clouds clear and give us the view of the valley and the village of Brand. After nearly 2.5 hours we are exhausted, but finally, at last the Schattenlaganthütte appears before our eyes.
Lecker Kakao und Kaiserschmarren zur Stärkung.

We enter the cozy warm hut and are warmly welcomed by Heike and Ernst. With hot chocolate, Kaiserschmarren and, how could it be otherwise, a schnapps to warm you up. Heike and Ernst tell us about the history of the hut, and in the corner a cat purrs happily. "This cat is a very special cat", smiles Heike. We are amazed at what should be so special about the cat. "It was already on the Schesaplana - in winter!" We can hardly believe it, as Heike tells the story of how a ski tour operator found the ball of fur 50 meters below the summit of the Schesaplana - and that is an incredible 2,965 m high! There is also photographic proof. We could sit here forever and listen to the stories, but it's time to go. So, we pack up again and take the toboggan. "Just leave them at the town sign” Ernst says, he would pick them up later. So out in the cold and on to the toboggan. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower, we sledge into the valley, the fresh snow sometimes slows down the ride - so we have plenty of time to enjoy the atmosphere. After a short refreshment with hot tea half way we continue slowly back into the valley. Somewhat sad we leave our sledge at the town sign. We agree: If you are in Brandnertal in winter, you must go see Heike, Ernst and their cat in the Schattenlaganthütte - otherwise you were never really there!

To the Tour Description:

Schattenlagant toboggan run | Brand

Schattenlagant toboggan run | Brand

Schattenlagant toboggan run | Brand

Length9,6 km Elevation gain422 m LevelModerate Duration2:30 h

After a five-kilometre winter hike and refreshments at the Schattenlagant hut, you can speed back down to the valley on a toboggan!

Innertal, Brand

Innertal, Brand


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