Winter hike from Dalaas to Wald am Arlberg | Dalaas

Distance5,2 km

Elevation gain208 m

Negative altitude38 m


Duration2:00 h

Distance5,2 km

Elevation gain208 m


Duration2:00 h

A short moment

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Winter hike from Dalaas to Wald am Arlberg | Dalaas

From the Kristbergsaal Dalaas, start on the signposted winter hiking trail to the right of the Alfenz river into the valley. At the Sonnenhalb parcel, cross the stream and continue along the signposted winter hiking trail towards Wald am Arlberg. The trail leads past the houses in Sonnenhalb, further through the romantic snow-covered Radonawald. After the Radonatobel, the trail continues left to the Mariengrotte, from here over the Schloßbühel and Kendel in Außerwald towards Innerwald. Cosy benches along the way invite you to linger in the sun. Cross the Annabach, then turn right onto the Obere Gasse municipal road, over the Stelzitobel and past the fire station to Innerwald. This tour ends in Innerwald at the Spullersee Inn. The way back is by bus to Dalaas or alternatively on foot via the same path or via the winter hiking trail along the Alfenz.


Sturdy shoes, warm clothing and walking sticks are recommended. Cell phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Kristbergsaal, Dalaas

End: Spullersee Inn, Wald am Arlberg

Kristbergsaal Dalaas - winter hiking trail to the right of the Alfenz - Erlenau - Sonnenhalb - Radona forest - Radonatobel - Marien chapel - Schlossbühel - Kendel - Annabach - Obere Gasse - Stelzitobel - fire station - Innerwald - Spullersee Inn - bus back to Dalaas


  • Linear route
  • Scenic
  • Groomed snow
  • Way cleared

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)