Way of the Senses - Way of Silence | St. Gerold

Distance2,4 km

Elevation gain100 m

Negative altitude100 m


Duration1:00 h

Distance2,4 km

Elevation gain100 m


Duration1:00 h

A short moment

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Way of the Senses - Way of Silence | St. Gerold

Below the Provostry of St. Gerold, the meditation path "Path of the Senses - Path of Silence" leads along lovingly created ponds through the soothing forest. It leads past the Geroldsruh, the monastery pond and the labyrinth and invites you to become still and to reflect on nature and creation. We are well acquainted with the visible world. But most people do not know the invisible world, although it permeates everything and is more real than the visible world. Human life succeeds when we can connect the two worlds. For this purpose, the path of the senses and silence wants to offer us help. Over the years, a wonderful nature reserve has been created in the forest below the provost's house, with thirteen ponds, small paths leading over bridges, surrounded by flowers, shrubs, trees and with benches that invite us to linger and meditate. In addition, numerous panels inspire with meaning sayings and poet's words of mystics of different religions, which speak of the mystery of the invisible world. When we look at a flower, a tree, a plant and perceive its silence, we ourselves become silent. Silence is the dwelling place of God. God is a God of silence. If we want to meet Him, we have to get out of the hustle and bustle and the noise for a while. This is the real reason why this place of silence has been created in the Provost's Office.


The path ends in the labyrinth - an ancient, fascinating symbol for the human path of life, which is designed for the one great goal, the center of our lives. Winding paths turn towards this center and deviate from it again and again, only to finally reach it. The idea that there should be a very clear path for us in life is not promised to us. God is able to write straight even on crooked lines. We are led over ups and downs. But at the end of life we reach the great goal, the center, which is God Himself.

Author's recommendation

Es gibt unterschiedliche Wege, die dann wieder zurück zur Propstei St. Gerold führen.


Ankle-high mountain boots with tread sole, sun and rain protection, snack, filled water bottle and first aid kit. Cell phone for emergencies.

Route description

Start: Provostry, St. Gerold

End: Provostry, St. Gerold

Provostry - Way of the Senses, Way of Silence - Provostry


  • Round trip
  • Cultural/historical interest

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)