Via Fatnella Alpe to Fontanella | Fontanella-Faschina

Distance7,5 km

Elevation gain506 m

Negative altitude849 m


Duration3:30 h

Distance7,5 km

Elevation gain506 m


Duration3:30 h

A short moment

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Via Fatnella Alpe to Fontanella | Fontanella-Faschina

The hike starts at the large parking lot at Faschinajoch. From there, ascend via the hiking trail to Staffel Alpe and further to Franz-Josef-Hütte. Below the Franz-Josef-Hütte, the trail branches off to the left in the direction of Glatthorn or Fatnella Alpe. Arrived at the yoke below the Glatthorn, the trail now leads downhill to the Fatnella Alpe. From Fatnella Alpe there are now two possibilities for the descent to Fontanella: via the footpath or via the goods road. From the center of Fontanella take the bus line 570 back to Faschina to the starting point.


Ankle-high mountain boots with tread sole, sun and rain protection, snack, filled water bottle and first aid kit. Cell phone for emergencies.

Route description

Start: Parking lot at the Faschinajoch, Faschina

End: Village center, Fontanella

Faschinajoch - Staffel Alpe - Franz-Josef-Hütte - Fatnella Alpe - Fontanella - bus line 570 back to Faschina


  • Linear route
  • Scenic

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)