Uga Nature Toboggan Run | Damüls

Distance2,5 km

Elevation gain8 m

Negative altitude439 m


Duration0:20 h


Distance2,5 km

Elevation gain8 m


Duration0:20 h

A short moment

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Uga Nature Toboggan Run | Damüls


The ascent is made with the Uga-Express directly in Damüls. The start of the toboggan run is to the right of the mountain station, directly below the Elsenalpstube mountain inn. From here, the toboggan run always leads below the chairlift towards the valley. The challenging natural toboggan run offers fun and action for the whole family. Due to two narrower or steeper sections, small children should only toboggan in the company of adults.

Author's recommendation

Night tobogganing every Wednesday and Friday from 19:30 to 21:30! Status: Winter 2022/23


Good shoes with treaded soles, warm clothing and the wearing of a helmet is recommended.

Toboggan rental: Toboggans can be rented from the local sports rental shops.


Route description

Start: Uga-Express mountain station, Damüls

End: Uga-Express valley station , Damüls

Ascent with Uga-Express - Uga-Express mountain station - toboggan run - Uga-Express valley station


  • Linear route
  • Cableway ascent/descent
  • Floodlit

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)