Tobogganing at "Fuchslochbühel" | Klösterle am Arlberg

Distance0,3 km

Elevation gain8 m

Negative altitude5 m


Duration0:05 h


Distance0,3 km

Elevation gain8 m


Duration0:05 h

A short moment

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Tobogganing at "Fuchslochbühel" | Klösterle am Arlberg


Whether tobogganing or skiing, the little ones will certainly have fun here. The "Fuchslochbühel" children's practice lift or tobogganing opportunity is located directly behind the church in Klösterle am Arlberg! The rope lift is in operation daily in winter from 14:00 to 16:00!


Warm clothing and good shoes. Helmet recommended!

Route description

Start: Tourist office, Klösterle am Arlberg

End: Tourist office, Klösterle am Arlberg

Directly behind the church in Klösterle am Arlberg


  • Family-friendly

Emergency services

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112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)