To the Sarotla Hut | Brand

Distance11,0 km

Elevation gain772 m

Negative altitude772 m


Duration4:00 h

Distance11,0 km

Elevation gain772 m


Duration4:00 h

A short moment

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To the Sarotla Hut | Brand

From the center of Brand, hike out of the valley along the Alvierbach trail until you reach the "Sarotla Tal - Sarotla Hütte" turnoff. The trail branches off to the right here. The well-signposted path through the Sarotla Valley climbs moderately and leads past thundering waterfalls and alpine pastures covered with mountain pines to the Sarotla Hut. After a stop for refreshments, the way back follows the same route.

Author's recommendation

A stop at the Sarotla Hut is well worth it!


Strong footwear, warm clothing, rain and sun protection and hiking poles are recommended. Cell phone for emergencies.

Route description

Start: Village center, Brand

End: Village center, Brand

Village center in Brand - Alvierbachweg - turnoff to Sarotla Valley - Sarotla Valley - Sarotla Hut - same route back


  • Scenic
  • Out and back
  • Refreshment stops available

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)