To the Oberüberlut Alpe | Sonntag-Buchboden

Distance12,7 km

Elevation gain674 m

Negative altitude674 m


Duration2:30 h

Distance12,7 km

Elevation gain674 m


Duration2:30 h

A short moment

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To the Oberüberlut Alpe | Sonntag-Buchboden

From Sonntag-Buchboden the MTB route always leads along a goods road uphill until you reach the Oberüberlut alpine pasture. The tour returns along the same route.


Mountain bike, helmet, rain or sun protection as well as small food and sufficient water.

Route description

Start: Church, Sonntag-Buchboden

End: Church, Sonntag-Buchboden

Church, Sonntag-Buchboden - goods road towards Unter- and Oberüberlut - Alpe Oberüberlut - church, Sonntag-Buchboden

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)