To the "Fallbach" natural monument | Dalaas

Distance5,1 km

Elevation gain63 m

Negative altitude179 m


Duration2:30 h

Distance5,1 km

Elevation gain63 m


Duration2:30 h

A short moment

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To the "Fallbach" natural monument | Dalaas

The trail leads from Gasthof Krone or from the bus stop "Gasthaus Krone" in Dalaas via the Winkel and Strottern parcels to the mighty Fallbach waterfall. From there, the trail continues out of the valley, over the Alfenz and on the other side of the stream towards Gatschief and Mühleplatz/Mühleplatzweg in Innerbraz. You can hike back along the same path or take the rural bus line 720 from the "Innerbraz Mühleplatz" stop back to Dalaas.


Sturdy shoes, warm clothing, rain and sun protection, filled water bottle and small snack as well as hiking poles are recommended. Mobile phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Bus stop "Dalaas Gasthaus Krone", Dalaas

End: Bus stop "Innerbraz Mühleplatz", Innerbraz

Bus stop "Dalaas Gasthaus Krone" - Winkel - Strottern - Fallbach waterfall - crossing the Alfenz - hiking trail along the Alfenz out of the valley - Gatschief - Mühleplatz/Mühleplatzweg - bus stop "Innerbraz Mühleplatz" - return via the same trail or by bus.


  • Linear route
  • Scenic
  • Family-friendly

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)