Sunna-Weg: Stage 2 | Bludenz

Distance4,0 km

Elevation gain244 m

Negative altitude73 m


Duration1:30 h

Distance4,0 km

Elevation gain244 m


Duration1:30 h

A short moment

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Sunna-Weg: Stage 2 | Bludenz

The "Sunna Weg" gets its name from its location on the sunny side of the valley and its course through the Sonnenberg community of Nüziders. Nüziders was once the ancestral seat of the county of Sonnenberg. On this hiking trail close to the town, 25 panels provide information with cultural-historical focal points. They also cover scenic, natural history and geological topics. The focus is always on conveying stories about people and the landscape.

Stage 2

The second stage of the theme trail runs from the Daneu bridge in Bludenz to the Rungelin district in Bludenz. The start and end points and all entry points have been chosen so that they can be easily reached by public transport. Along the way, numerous loungers and benches invite you to enjoy the view of the surrounding mountains.

Author's recommendation

Along the second stage you will also find the interestingly designed Bludenz forest nature trail.


Ankle-high shoes with treaded soles, sun and rain protection, snack, filled water bottle and first aid kit. Mobile phone for emergencies.

Route description

Start: "Daneu" bridge, Bludenz

End: Rungelin, Bludenz

Stage 2

The tour starts at the Daneu bridge in Bludenz. At the moated castle, the forest trail starts along the forest nature trail in the direction of Hinterebene. Along the way you always have the opportunity to take a short break or enjoy the sensational views of Bludenz. On the Hinterebene there is a larger rest area and several vantage points. From here you continue to follow the forest path in the direction of Rungelin. Above Rungelin - at Hellwald - the path branches off in the direction of Rungelin and you reach the end point of the second stage.


Daneubrücke, Bludenz - moated castle - forest nature trail - Hinterebene - Lawils - Hellwald - Rungelin, Bludenz

Possible access and descent

- shortly before Hinterebene direction Montikel/city center

- shortly before Hinterebene direction Montikel/swimming pool Val Blu

- at Ferdinand-Gassner-Höhenweg direction Halde/swimming pool Val Blu


  • Multi-stage route
  • Scenic
  • Refreshment stops available
  • Cultural/historical interest

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)