Small round to the Kesselfall | Brand

Distance2,4 km

Elevation gain99 m

Negative altitude99 m


Duration1:00 h

Distance2,4 km

Elevation gain99 m


Duration1:00 h

A short moment

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Small round to the Kesselfall | Brand

From the end of Brand (Palüdbahn car park), this circular route leads into the valley to the left of the Alvier stream. In the Innertal, the trail leads briefly along the Schattenlagantstraße. At the Herz-Jesu chapel you cross the Alvierbach stream. Immediately after the bridge, the Schattenlagantweg branches off. Follow this winter hiking trail to the Kesselfall junction. From here, turn right into the stream gorge to the bridge over the Kesselfall. The way back leads over the Weißtannenmaisäß and on the prepared Schattenlagant road/toboggan run Schattenlagant back to Brand Innertal.

Please note: Due to high avalanche danger and icy trail sections, this trail may be closed. Information about this is available in the winter report or from Brandnertal Tourismus.


Sturdy shoes, warm clothing and walking sticks are recommended. Mobile phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Innertal, Brand

End: Innertal, Brand

Innertal - bridge over the Alvier - turn right - Schattenlagantweg - Kesselfall turnoff - Kesselfall - Weißtannenmaisäß - Schattenlagantstraße - Innertal


  • Round trip

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