Schesamurbruch-Tschengla | Bürserberg

Distance9,6 km

Elevation gain569 m

Negative altitude569 m


Duration3:45 h

Distance9,6 km

Elevation gain569 m


Duration3:45 h

A short moment

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Schesamurbruch-Tschengla | Bürserberg

From the car park at Einhornbahn I, take the meadow path into the forest and follow the toboggan run to the Zwischenbäch junction. Turn left there and walk through a forest path and continue across a meadow, past the Paterno sheep farm onto Tschenglastraße. From there, follow the road to the left until after the bridge over the Schesamurbruch. This mudflow is the largest in Europe. After the bridge, turn right up the signposted path along the Schesamurbruch towards the Burtscha Alpe. The first part leads along the Schesamurbruch through the forest and then ends in a forest road. Follow this forest road to the Burtscha Alpe and then turn right along the upper edge of the Schesamurbruch to the Fuchsbau ski hut. At the Fuchsbau ski hut, turn right to the SC Bürs house and descend via the lower part of the Schesatobel path to Rufana Alp. Past the Rufana Alp, continue downhill to the Landal holiday park or Schillerkopf Alpine Resort. From here, either take the Tschenglabus back to Bürserberg to the starting point or walk along the Tschenglastraße to the Zwischenbäch parcel and then take the ascent path back to the starting point.


Sturdy shoes, sun and rain protection, snack, filled water bottle and first aid kit, possibly hiking poles. Mobile phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Einhorn I cable car valley station, Bürserberg

End: Einhorn I cable car valley station, Bürserberg

Einhorn I cable car valley station - parcel Matin - Zwischenbäch - Tschenglastreet - Schesamurbruch - Tschengla - Fuchsbau Ski Hut - Rufana Alp - lower part of the Schesatobel Trail - Landal Holiday Park - Tschenglastreet - Zwischenbäch - parcel Matin - Einhorn I cable car valley station


  • Geological highlights
  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stops available

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)