Rona circular route | Bürserberg

Distance2,8 km

Elevation gain210 m

Negative altitude210 m


Duration1:15 h

Distance2,8 km

Elevation gain210 m


Duration1:15 h

A short moment

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Rona circular route | Bürserberg

From the Alpe Rona, the trail leads to the Kneipp station and from there via two shortcuts along the hiking trail uphill. As soon as the forest road would be crossed the second time, branch off to the left on it. Now follow the forest road until the hiking trail branches off to the right again - now via a steep right hiking trail uphill until you reach the forest road again. Turn right again on the forest road and hike to the Glinzgieck viewpoint. Alternatively, you can continue along the forest road to the Glinzgieck. After a leisurely rest at the lookout point, take the hiking trail back to Alpe Rona.


Sturdy shoes, appropriate clothing, rain and sun protection, snack, filled water bottle and hiking poles are recommended. Mobile phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Alpe Rona, Bürserberg

End: Alpe Rona, Bürserberg

Alpe Rona - Kneipp point - branch off from hiking trail onto forest road - branch off to the left - forest road - branch off to the right - hiking trail - branch off to the right - forest road - Glinzgieck viewpoint - hiking trail - Alpe Rona


  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stops available

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)