Raggal - Ludescherberg | Raggal

Distance6,0 km

Elevation gain200 m

Negative altitude200 m


Duration2:00 h

Distance6,0 km

Elevation gain200 m


Duration2:00 h

A short moment

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Raggal - Ludescherberg | Raggal

This winter hike starts at the Raggal church and leads along the road, past the sports field, towards Ludescherberg. At the branch, take the upper path towards Grüneck. At the signpost "Küngen Ludescherberg", turn right under the houses and hike to the Berghof Jausenstation. After this small loop on the Ludescherberg, which is accompanied by fabulous views of the surrounding mountains, the route then leads back to Raggal along the same path.

Note: This tour can be extended as desired in Ludescherberg to the Sättele. This extension is not groomed and can only be done with snowshoes if there is enough snow.

Author's recommendation

A stop at the Jausenstation Berghof in Ludescherberg or at the Gasthof Wallis in Raggal is a good idea.


Sturdy shoes, warm clothing and walking sticks are recommended. Cell phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Church, Raggal

End: Church, Raggal

Church - road towards Ludescherberg - Grüneck - Jausenstation Berghof - small loop in Ludescherberg - alternatively continue to Sättele - from Ludescherberg same route back


  • Scenic
  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stops available
  • Clear area
  • Groomed snow
  • Way cleared

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)