Mason Waterfall | Braz

Distance7,9 km

Elevation gain467 m

Negative altitude652 m


Duration3:00 h

Distance7,9 km

Elevation gain467 m


Duration3:00 h

A short moment

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Mason Waterfall | Braz

The start of this tour is near the Innerbraz municipal office, directly at the Tobel bridge. From here, take the hiking trail up towards Pfarrmähdle. From there, follow the educational trail in the direction of the Mason waterfall. In Rütenen, turn left towards Laschei / Mason waterfall. In Laschei, ascend on the hiking trail until just before the Mason waterfall. The end of the trail is marked with a sign on the rock. The way back to Laschei follows the same path. In Laschei now head down the valley towards Lötsch. In Lötsch continue along the Lötscherweg downhill to the Traube Braz Alpen.Spa.Golf.Hotel. From here, take the bus line 720 back to the starting point or walk along the Arlbergstraße.

Safety advice:
Rockfall must be expected on the hiking trail section up to the Mason waterfall. For this reason, shelters have been set up along the trail again and again, which should be visited in the event of a rock fall. The shelters are marked accordingly.

Author's recommendation

Along the educational trail, 40 information boards provide insight into fauna, flora, history, climate, water supply and traffic.


Sturdy shoes, warm clothing, rain and sun protection, snack and filled water bottle as well as hiking poles are recommended. Mobile phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Am Tobel, Innerbraz

End: Traube Braz Alpen.Spa.Golf.Hotel, Außerbraz

Am Tobel - Pfarrmähdle - Rütenen - Laschei - shortly before the Mason waterfall - end of trail is marked - Laschei - Lötsch - Lötscherweg - Traube Braz.Alpen.Spa.Golf.Hotel - return to the starting point by bus line 720 or alternatively along the Klostertalerstraße


  • Scenic
  • Refreshment stops available
  • Linear route

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)