Klösterle - Spullersee | Klösterle am Arlberg

Distance13,9 km

Elevation gain818 m

Negative altitude818 m


Duration5:30 h

Distance13,9 km

Elevation gain818 m


Duration5:30 h

A short moment

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Klösterle - Spullersee | Klösterle am Arlberg

The starting point of this tour is at the tourist office in Klösterle am Arlberg. First walk a short distance along the road into the valley until the hiking trail branches off to the left. The first part of the hike is on the Wäldletobel path up to the old railway line. From there, the trail continues uphill to the left of the Wäldletobel in the forest until you reach the goods road. Follow the road for a long bend until it becomes a hiking trail again and leads past the Alpe Spullers-Grabs up to the Spuller lake. Walk around the Spuller lage and take a leisurely break along the way. Afterwards, return to the valley via the ascent trail.


Sturdy shoes, warm clothing, rain and sun protection, filled water bottle and a small snack as well as hiking poles are recommended. Cell phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Tourist office, Klösterle am Arlberg

End: Tourist office, Klösterle am Arlberg

Klösterle am Arlberg - Wäldletobel trail (first part) - Wäldletobel bridge - hiking trail towards Spullersee - junction with the goods trail - goods trail - hiking trail - Alpe Spullers-Grabs - Spuller lake - walk around - return via the same trail


  • Scenic
  • Out and back

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)