Klangraum.Stein | Sonntag

Distance4,2 km

Elevation gain125 m

Negative altitude125 m


Duration1:30 h

Distance4,2 km

Elevation gain125 m


Duration1:30 h

A short moment

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Klangraum.Stein | Sonntag

A unique experience for young and old. The Klangraum.Stein is an interactive project that deals with nature and its soundscape. Artistic installations accompany you on the hiking trail to the Echo Wall - inviting you to listen, enjoy or help shape the soundscape. A unique experience for young and old. The covered barbecue area in Steinbild offers a brick barbecue area, table and benches and a fountain with fresh water. The special feature of the barbecue area is the clay oven, in which a specially created clay oven pizza can be baked, available at Seilbahnen Sonntag-Stein. An additional highlight is the adventure playground right by the barbecue area with water games and a special cave in an old lime kiln.

Author's recommendation

The special feature of the barbecue area is the clay oven, in which a specially created clay oven pizza can be baked. The clay oven pizza can be purchased at the mountain station of the Sonntag-Stein cable car.


Ankle-high hiking boots with treaded soles, sun and rain protection, snack, filled water bottle and first aid kit, possibly hiking poles. Mobile phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Sonntag-Stein cable car valley station, Sonntag

End: Sonntag-Stein cable car valley station, Sonntag

Sonntag-Stein cable car valley station - ascent with the cable car - Sonntag-Stein cable car mountain station - goods path towards Steinbild - Vordersteinbild - Hintersteinbild - Echwo wall - goods path back to Sonntag-Stein cable car mountain station


  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stops available
  • Family-friendly
  • Cableway ascent/descent

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)