Kaltenberg Hütte | St. Christoph-Klostertal

Distance15,7 km

Elevation gain764 m

Negative altitude764 m


Duration6:00 h

Distance15,7 km

Elevation gain764 m


Duration6:00 h

A short moment

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Kaltenberg Hütte | St. Christoph-Klostertal

Public transport takes you from Klösterle am Arlberg to St. Christoph am Arlberg. The start of the Berggeistweg is near the church in St. Christoph and leads from here via the Albonagrat to the Kaltenberg Hütte. Enjoy sensational views towards Patteriol in the Verwall during the hike. The Kaltenberg Hütte is situated at an altitude of 2,089 metres in an airy, open balcony location high above the rear Klostertal valley, on the northern slope of the Kaltenberg. Thanks to its exposed location, it offers beautiful views of the Klostertal valley and the Flexen Pass as well as the opposite peaks of the Lechquellen and Verwall mountains. At the Kaltenberg Hütte you can savour culinary delights and enjoy the view. The descent takes you back to St. Christoph am Arlberg via the Paul Bantlin Trail or via various other route options to Stuben am Arlberg or Langen am Arlberg.

Author's recommendation

Further tour options to the Kaltenberg Hütte:

  • Stuben via Stubener-See-Weg: walking time 3 hrs.

  • Stuben via Passage/Albona: walking time: 2 3/4 hrs.

  • Langen via Bludenzer Alpen: walking time 3 ½ hours.

  • Alpe Stuben-Rauz: walking time 2 hrs.

  • St. Christoph via Paul-Bantlin-Weg: walking time 2 ½ hrs.


Ankle-high hiking boots, warm clothing, rain and sun protection and hiking poles are recommended. Snacks and drinks for the hike. Mobile phone for emergencies.

Route description

Start: St. Christoph am Arlberg

End: St. Christoph am Arlberg

St. Christoph am Arlberg - Berggeistweg - Albonagrat - Kaltenberg Hütte - Paul-Bantlin-Weg - St. Christoph am Arlberg alternatively descent to Stuben am Arlberg or Klösterle am Arlberg


  • Scenic
  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stops available

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)