Hoher Fraßen, 1.979 m | Bludenz-Nüziders

Distance9,2 km

Elevation gain721 m

Negative altitude721 m


Duration4:00 h

Distance9,2 km

Elevation gain721 m


Duration4:00 h

A short moment

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Hoher Fraßen, 1.979 m | Bludenz-Nüziders

From the Muttersbergbahn mountain station (1,401 m) the trail leads northwards down into a valley, then over a steep slope up to the Fraßen Hütte (1,725 m). Over a mountain meadow you ascend the last meters to the summit (1,979 m). The descent can be made via the same path or the slightly longer variant via the Tiefenseesattel. Here, the path from the summit is a little steeper for a short while and then leads leisurely along the hiking trail down to the Tiefenseesattel. From there, take the hiking trail and then the goods path back to the starting point, the Muttersbergbahn mountain station.

Author's recommendation

A stop at the Fraßen Hütte is well worth it!


Ankle-high mountain boots with profiled sole, sun and rain protection, snacks, filled water bottle and first aid equipment. Mobile phone for emergencies.

Route description

Start: Muttersberg Cable Car mountain station, Bludenz

End: Muttersberg Cable Car mountain station, Bludenz

Muttersberg cable car valley station - ascent with the Muttersberg cable car - Muttersberg cable car mountain station - ascent to the Fraßen hut - Fraßen hut - Hoher Fraßen - same way back or alternatively descent via Tiefenseesattel - hiking trail - goods trail - Muttersberg cable car mountain station - descent with the Muttersberg cable car - Muttersberg cable car valley station.


  • Scenic
  • Summit route
  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stops available
  • Cableway ascent/descent

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)