Funsport track | Bikepark Brandnertal

Distance3,4 km

Elevation gain295 m

Negative altitude1 m


Duration0:20 h

Distance3,4 km

Elevation gain295 m


Duration0:20 h

A short moment

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Funsport track | Bikepark Brandnertal

Both young and old can gain their first downhill experience on two wheels with monster scooters. The ideal experience for school classes, company parties or family outings! On this track you can also pedal uphill with your mountain bike!

Length of the route: approx. 3.3 km
Height difference: 300 m
Difficulty level: easy
Color coding: Green


Top maintained mountain karts and monster scooters are available in the store of the Bikepark Brandnertal. Advance reservation strongly recommended!

Wallride Store & Rental Tschengla
Einhornbahn II valley station, Tschengla 5, 6707 Bürserberg
T +43 664 5128610


Route description

Start: Einhornbahn II mountain station, Bürserberg

End: Einhornbahn II valley station, Bürserberg

Ascent with Einhornbahn II - Einhornbahn II, mountain station - funsport trail - Einhornbahn II, valley station


  • Linear route
  • Family-friendly

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)