Forest educational trail | Bludenz

Distance2,3 km

Elevation gain109 m

Negative altitude208 m


Duration1:00 h

Distance2,3 km

Elevation gain109 m


Duration1:00 h

A short moment

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Forest educational trail | Bludenz

The entrance to the forest experience trail is located directly at the moated castle in Hinterplärsch. During the walk, you will come across numerous boards where you can learn many facts about the forest, for example why the forest is vital for humans and animals, which trees are used for which products, the forest is also a workplace and much more. The forest nature trail ends at the forest memory on the Hinterebene/Montikel. The descent is then to the Val Blu leisure pool, which invites you to cool off after the hike. If you park your car at the start, you can take the bus back.

Example of a station
The forest as a water reservoir
Spring water from the mountain slope from Buchwald to Rungelin is collected in special spring catchments and flows from there into intermediate reservoirs. These lead the water into the valley and is then collected for us in the surge tanks, like the one at the entrance to the forest nature trail.


Ankle-high mountain boots with treaded soles, sun and rain protection, snack, filled water bottle and first aid kit. Cell phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Wasserschloss (on the right hand side of the valley station Muttersberg cable car), Bludenz.

End: Leisure pool Val Blu, Bludenz

Daneu bridge/junction to Muttersberg cable car - moated castle - forest experienec trail - Hinterebene/Montikel - descent via hiking trail - Val Blu leisure pool


  • Linear route
  • Scenic
  • Family-friendly
  • Flora

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)