Faregg-Tour | Bürserberg

Distance5,7 km

Elevation gain480 m

Negative altitude38 m


Duration2:00 h

Distance5,7 km

Elevation gain480 m


Duration2:00 h

A short moment

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Faregg-Tour | Bürserberg

The start of this tour is at the car park Tschengla (P3) on Bürserberg. The signposted ski tour route no. 2 "Faregg-Tour" branches off to the right at the Husky Toni Camp. From here, this signposted ski tour leads you up a short stretch in open terrain until you reach the Alte Statt Weg. From here you follow it up to the Faregg, where the tour branches off to the left to the Burtschasattel/Restaurant Frööd. After a leisurely stop at Restaurant Frööd, the descent is via piste no. 26 to the Loischkopfbahn valley station. From here, continue via ski route no. 17 (winter hiking trail) to the starting point at the Tschengla car park.

Please note for skiing down the slopes: The ski slopes are closed daily from 17:00-08:00! Skiing on the closed slopes during this time is prohibited without exception.

No liability can be accepted for the accuracy of the information can be accepted. Ski touring in alpine terrain is always at your own risk.


Complete ski touring equipment including emergency equipment (avalanche transceiver, shovel and probe), warm clothing, tea and/or small snack. Cell phone for emergencies.

Route description

Start: Car park Tschengla, Bürserberg

End: Car park Tschengla, Bürserberg

Tschengla car park (P3) - Husky Toni Camp - short piece of open terrain - Alte Statt path - Faregg - Burtschasattel/Restaurant Frööd - descent via piste no. 26 - ski route no. 17 - Tschengla car park (P3).


  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stops available
  • On-piste ski touring

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)