Falvkopf, 1.849 m | Blons

Distance12,4 km

Elevation gain949 m

Negative altitude948 m


Duration5:00 h

Distance12,4 km

Elevation gain949 m


Duration5:00 h

A short moment

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Falvkopf, 1.849 m | Blons

From the center of Blons, the hiking trail leads to Oberblons and from there further up to Hüggenalpe. From here it is not far to the summit of the Falvkopf at 1,849 m above sea level. The first part of the way back goes along the Falvkopf circular path before you return to Blons via the same path. Alternatively, you can also hike back to Blons via Valentschina.

Author's recommendation

On the way to the Falvkopf, you will be travelling on the Blons avalanche paths - memorial paths to the avalanche disaster of 1954. From the village to Oberblons on the Leusorgweg, continue on the Schutzwaldweg and from Hüggen to the summit on the Verbauungsweg.


Ankle-high mountain boots with treaded soles, sun and rain protection, snack, filled water bottle and first aid equipment. Mobile phone for emergencies.

Route description

Start: Community centre, Blons

End: Community centre, Blons

Blons - Oberblons - Hüggenalpe - Falvkopf - Falvkopf circular route - same route back or alternatively via Valentschina - Blons

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)