Culture Trail "Traces of History" | Bürserberg

Distance5,1 km

Elevation gain128 m

Negative altitude134 m


Duration2:00 h

Distance5,1 km

Elevation gain128 m


Duration2:00 h

A short moment

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Culture Trail "Traces of History" | Bürserberg

As part of the anniversary "250 years of independent Bürserberg", this cultural trail was designed to present remarkable buildings and places and their history. The circular trail leads from Bürserberg Matin into the valley to the district of Tschapina and via the hiking trail back to the starting point.Interesting waypoints along the culture trail in Bürserberg:
  • 01 | Museum "Paarhof Buacher"
  • 02 | Landratshus
  • 03 | Frühmesshaus
  • 04 | Matin shoemaker's shop
  • 05 | Gasthaus Schäfle
  • 06 | Rectory and Rectory Stables
  • 07 | Parish Church "Saint Joseph"
  • 08 | Former A&O shop Neier
  • 09 | Old saw
  • 10 | Spritzenbau
  • 11 | Railway "Unicorn I"
  • 12 | Schesa Murbruch
  • 13 | Old Brandner Street
  • 14 | Chapel "Our Lady"
  • 15 | Old turntable

For more information on the individual stations, please click on the link.


Ankle-high mountain boots with treaded soles, sun and rain protection, filled water bottle and first aid kit. Mobile phone for emergencies.

Route description

Start: Bus stop "Bürserberg Museum", Bürserberg

End: Bus stop "Bürserberg Museum", Bürserberg

The route in Bürserberg begins at the bus stop "Bürserberg Museum". From here, walk a short distance in the direction of the Außerberg parcel to the first three information boards, then take the same path back towards the bus stop. Keep to the right here and walk a short distance uphill along the old Tschenglastraße and along the footpath down to the parish church - always accompanied by interesting information boards. From the parish church along the road in the direction of the municipal centre. From there, continue along the main road in the direction of Brand to the village of Tschapina. Here you will find further waypoints. In Tschapina, turn right and walk uphill for a short distance. At the second large bend, the hiking trail branches off and leads back through the forest to Bürserberg and on towards the community centre. From the community centre, take the same path back to the starting point.

Details of the interesting waypoints along the culture trail in Bürserberg can be found below by clicking on the waypoints. This will provide you with a detailed description, further visual material and in some cases videos that provide more background information.


  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stops available
  • Cultural/historical interest

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)