Brazer Allmein toboggan hill | Braz

Distance1,0 km

Elevation gain59 m

Negative altitude58 m


Duration0:20 h


Distance1,0 km

Elevation gain59 m


Duration0:20 h

A short moment

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Brazer Allmein toboggan hill | Braz


This toboggan run is particularly popular with families with small children. The toboggan run is easily accessible from the Hotel TRAUBE BRAZ Alpen.Spa.Golf.Hotel via the Reckholderweg.


Warm clothing and winter shoes with treaded soles. Helmet recommended.

Route description

Start: End of the Reckholderweg, Außerbraz

End: Allmakreuz, Außerbraz

TRAUBE BRAZ Alpen.Spa.Golf.Hotel - Kreuzweg - railway subway - turn left into Mühlekreisweg - turn right into Reckholderweg - tobogganing opportunity Allmein - Allmakreuz - same way back


  • Out and back
  • Family-friendly

Emergency services

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144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)