Bludenz Panorama Trail Run | Bludenz

Distance9,3 km

Elevation gain359 m

Negative altitude359 m


Duration1:50 h

Distance9,3 km

Elevation gain359 m


Duration1:50 h

A short moment

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Bludenz Panorama Trail Run | Bludenz

This route starts from the starting point at the stadium and runs parallel to the Rungelin trail circuit in an easterly direction, past the old town centre and the retirement home. These approx. 1.7 km on a flat and paved surface offer the ideal conditions to get your muscles and breathing going. From here, the panoramic trail starts uphill in the direction of Montikel, which impresses with its many views of the surrounding panorama. From Montikel, follow the path along the edge of the terrain via Haldawässerle and later the forest path to Lawilskehre. This is the start of an idyllic little trail with small uphill and downhill sections that will make your trail running heart beat faster. The last few metres in altitude to Gasünd must be completed on the forest path before returning to Bludenz via a beautiful meadow path along the ridge. Away from the hustle and bustle of the town, you can enjoy pure solitude and a natural spectacle! After a long descent via the Bludenz scout centre, you finally reach St. Peter's Monastery, from where the route now heads north along a forest path and past the BMX area. The last section follows the tarmac road to the Val Blu leisure pool and on to the starting point.


Running shoes, sun and rain protection, filled water bottle, snack (as desired) and first aid equipment. Mobile phone for emergencies.

Route description

Start: Stadium, Bludenz

End: Stadium, Bludenz

Stadium - Untersteinstraße - Herrengasse (old town) - Spitalsgasse - fire station - retirement home - Panoramaweg - Montikel - Lawilskehre - Hellwald (rest area) - Gasünd - Pfadfinderheim Bludenz - Kloster St. Peter - St.-Peter-Straße - stadium


  • Round trip
  • Scenic

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)