Around the Itonskopf | Dalaas

Distance34,9 km

Elevation gain1563 m

Negative altitude1564 m


Duration4:30 h

Distance34,9 km

Elevation gain1563 m


Duration4:30 h

A short moment

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Around the Itonskopf | Dalaas

After the start in Dalaas at the Kristbergsaal, the tour leads through the Dalaas community forest up to the Kristbergsattel. From here, a short downhill to the Kristberg Panormagasthof before heading downhill again and then off to the right over several Maisäß up to Ganzaleita. From here to Fritzensee and on to Rellseck. At Rellseck you have a great view of the Rätikon mountains and, of course, the opportunity to take a break. From here, head uphill towards Alplegi before descending on the Klostertal side to Alpe Latons. Approx. 2 km after the Alpe Latons, the goods road narrows into a hiking trail. From now on, the trail continues on a single trail in the direction of the Falle viewpoint. Shortly afterwards, turn right and descend towards the Maisäßlandschaft and back up to the Panoramagasthof Kristberg. From here, take the same route as at the beginning back to Dalaas.

Author's recommendation

Challenging tour with great single trails!


Mountain bike, helmet, rain or sun protection, small snacks and enough water to drink. Mobile phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Parking lot Kristbergsaal, Dalaas

End: Parking lot Kristbergsaal, Dalaas

Dalaas - Dalaaser Gemeindewald - Kristbergsattel - Panoramagasthof Kristberg - Ganzaleita - Fritzensee - Rellseck - Alplegi - Alpe Latons - Falle - Ganzaleita - Panoramagasthof Kristberg - Kristbergsattel - Dalaaser Gemeindewald - Dalaas


  • Scenic
  • Round trip
  • Refreshment stops available
  • Singletrail/Free ride

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)