Alte Statt Weg | Brandnertal

Distance9,9 km

Elevation gain278 m

Negative altitude507 m


Duration3:30 h

Distance9,9 km

Elevation gain278 m


Duration3:30 h

A short moment

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Alte Statt Weg | Brandnertal

From the mountain station of the Dorfbahn cable car, take the ski trail for a few minutes in the direction of Innere Parfienzalpe. You cross the stream to the west of the alp. Here begins the ascent to the Parpfienzsattel, which you reach in approx. 45 min. From there, descend to Bürserberg (from the saddle, turn left in an arc across a clearing). You soon reach the route of the "Alte Statt Weg", which - partly through forest - crosses the mountain flank descending high above the Mühlebachtobel. View of the Tschengla high plateau and the Bludenz valley basin with the mountain world of the "Five Valleys Star". Finally, through the larch forest in hairpin bends to the high plateau of Alpe Rona and via the Kohlgrubweg to the mountain station of the Einhornbahn I cable car. Descent to Bürserberg with the chairlift (saves approx. 45 min descent) and then back to Brand with the bus.

Author's recommendation

There is also the option of ascending from Bürserberg via the Alte Statt path (in the direction of Burtschasattel/Restaurant Frööd) and descending again via the same path after a stop for refreshments.


Sturdy shoes, warm clothing and walking sticks are recommended. Cell phone in case of emergency.

Route description

Start: Mountain station Dorfbahn

End: Bürserberg

Dorfbahn mountain station - ski trail to the Innere Parpfienzalpe - Innere Parpfienzalpe - Parpfienzweg - Parpfienzsattel - Alte Statt Weg - Tschengla/Alpe Rona high plateau - Kohlgrubweg - Einhornbahn I mountain station - descent with Einhornbahn I - back to Brand by bus


  • Linear route
  • Scenic
  • Refreshment stops available
  • Groomed snow

Emergency services

140 Alpine Emergencies throughout Austria

144 Alpine Emergencies Vorarlberg

112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)