Discover the unspoilt landscape of the Großes Walsertal Biosphärenpark and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. The winter hiking guides from BERGaktiv Großes Walsertal will accompany you on winter hikes and snowshoe tours. A varied programme awaits you.
Period: according to the dates of the guided tours - see Prices: Snowshoes and poles: € 8.00 per day / tour and person, safety equipment with avalanche transceiver, shovel and probe: € 8.00 per day / tour and person, snowshoes, poles and safety equipment: € 16.00 per day / tour and person with Walser guest card / snowshoes and poles: € 10.00 per day / tour and person, safety equipment with avalanche transceiver, shovel and probe: € 10.00 per day / tour and person, snowshoes, poles and safety equipment: € 18.00 per day / tour and person without the Walser Guest Card.