Panorama Camping Sonnenberg
Panorama Camping Sonnenberg
6714 Nüziders, Hinteroferst 12
Panorama Camping Sonnenberg
Opening hours and offers may vary due to Covid-19. Please contact us directly.
Panorama Camping Sonnenberg enjoys a true top location and is probably one of the most beautifully situated campsites in the entire Alpine region.
In very sunny and quiet city and forest proximity you enjoy an impressive view of the 3,000 meter high mountain scenery around the Alpine town of Bludenz and Nüziders.
The Dünser family is constantly looking after your well-being and offers you a top service with entertainment programme, high comfort and cleanliness in the sanitary facilities, the pitches and the facilities.
Panorama Camping Sonnenberg
6714 Nüziders, Hinteroferst 12